In the fall of 1969, shortly after the release of the Beatles’ album Abbey Road, a wild rumor started spreading across America: was Paul McCartney dead? The cover of Abbey Road started it all!
As you look at the four Beatles, you’ll will see that Paul is the only one out of step, to draw attention to Paul. Also Paul is the only one barefoot, which allegedly is how people are buried in several countries. The Beatles are shown walking in a specific order. John dressed in white, as a religious person would be. Ringo dressed as an undertaker. Paul, shabby suited and barefoot, resembles a corpse; and finally George, in old jeans, is a gravedigger. The cover of Abbey Road is a funeral procession. A closer look at Paul will reveal something else: he's a holding his cigarette—also known as the coffin nail—in his right hand, and any Beatle maniac knows that Paul is left-handed. This is a most significant clue as who we are seeing on the cover; perhaps not Paul McCartney but in fact a replacement who filled in for Paul after his death.
As you look at the four Beatles, you’ll will see that Paul is the only one out of step, to draw attention to Paul. Also Paul is the only one barefoot, which allegedly is how people are buried in several countries. The Beatles are shown walking in a specific order. John dressed in white, as a religious person would be. Ringo dressed as an undertaker. Paul, shabby suited and barefoot, resembles a corpse; and finally George, in old jeans, is a gravedigger. The cover of Abbey Road is a funeral procession. A closer look at Paul will reveal something else: he's a holding his cigarette—also known as the coffin nail—in his right hand, and any Beatle maniac knows that Paul is left-handed. This is a most significant clue as who we are seeing on the cover; perhaps not Paul McCartney but in fact a replacement who filled in for Paul after his death.

The back cover of the Abbey Road LP held interesting clues also: the main “Beatles” has a crack running through it on the “s,” making the name imperfect. The eight dots before the word Beatles when connected form the number three rather than four. When visiting the wall in 1970 there were in fact 13 dots on the wall but the picture purposely included only these eight dots. Passing through this otherwise clear photograph is a girl in a blue dress. What's the reason for this? Hold the album some distance away and observe her elbow, what will appear is the image of Paul McCartney’s profile.

Song on the Abbey Road Album are particularly telling
Come together
Here come old flattop he come grooving up slowly
He got joo-joo eyeball he one holy roller
He got hair down to his knee
Got to be a joker he just do what he please
He wear no shoeshine he got toe-jam football
He got monkey finger he shoot coca-cola
He say "I know you, you know me"
One thing I can tell you is you got to be free
Come together right now over me
He bag production he got walrus gumboot
He got Ono sideboard he one spinal cracker
He got feet down below his knee
Hold you in his armchair you can feel his disease
Come together right now over me
He roller-coaster he got early warning
He got muddy water he one mojo filter
He say "One and one and one is three"
Got to be good-looking 'cause he's so hard to see
Come together right now over me
You will recall a description of the person having hair down to his knees. After dying a person continues to have nail and hair growth, since hair and nails contain protein which continues to grow. The song continues, “he wears no shoeshine,” a barefoot person like Paul on the Abbey Road cover. He played “toe jam football,” rugby, which Paul played quite well. He got “monkey finger,” skinny and bony like a skeleton's. Also “I know you, you know me, come together.” According to the theorist, Paul singing from his grave. You will also recall the line “One and one and one is three.” This refers to the fact that there are now only three Beatles.
The song Sun King draws his title from historical literature. The Sun King was the name given to Louis XIV of France. This powerful monarch was the subject of Alexander Dumas's Man in the Iron Mask—a piece of historical fiction about a twin brother of Louis who was sentenced to wear an iron mask to prevent his public identification. However the twin, ended up replacing the real Louis without anyone but his closest associates knowing about the switch. The whole scenario resembles the theory of Paul been replaced and the change being covered up.
The finale of the album includes three songs which run into one another, besides being some of the most brilliant and tight playing in their careers. The Beatles suggest several things from the titles. “Golden slumbers,” a long sleep; “Carry That Weight,” a corpse filled coffin; and “The End,”…no explanation needed.
If Paul is really dead, that would explain a lot. the recordings with Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder. "London Town" Heather etc
You may have a valid point,
I remember reading about another Abbey Road clue years ago:
Between the word Beatles and the girl in the blue dress is a shadow that was supposedly an elongated shadow of a skull (symbol of death), skewed from upper right to lower left.
it's fun to believe that he's dead but i dont believe that haha it's interesting to know how people can find such clues to make the story looks perfect
It was all an inside joke, really, but it grew to be the first-ever viral marketing campaign.
watch the movie "paul mccartney is really dead (george harison's last will and testament)
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